This is a VR multiplayer aimed at people new to Virtual Reality. The obstacles are simple and apart from having to crouch once or twice require very little physical effort. Of course if you have a very competitive group you may find that a few beads of perspiration will start to appear after all :-).
- open a door (unobstructed)
- balance bar (wide)
- pass through two holes
- climbing rack
- open a door (two blocking bars)
- balance bar (small)
- navigate a short tunnel
- pass a number of swinging balls
- two zip lines
- climbing wall
This game is no longer available for licencing.
Set-up requires:
- HTC Vive or Oculus Rift with controllers.
- The use of SteamVR in standing only set-up.
- Internet access for multiplayer as well as single player.
- Top mounted and opposed sensors for best performance. Will work with other arrangements but not as well.
- A location specific application.
- Support is on the basis of best effort.
- Support is free of additional charges.
- This application relies on the PUN (Photon Unity Network) multiplayer service. In the case where the PUN service is discontinued an alternate solution will be researched and possibly implemented. But there is no guarantee of continued use in that case.
- This application relies on the SteamVR service. In the case where the SteamVR service is discontinued an alternate solution will be researched and possibly implemented. But there is no guarantee of continued use in that case.
- Currently set to a maximum of 4 players simultaneously.
- Use of a hard-coded game room per location specific application.
For inquiries:
Contact us at: hello at oddz dot nl